for Industry
Value for the industry
SIMPATHIC can offer industry partners access to resources, reduced financial risk, collaborative expertise, expanded networks, enhanced credibility, and regulatory support in the field of rare diseases, and more specifically in rare neurological, neurometabolic and neuromuscular disorders. SIMPATHIC will support the development and market uptake of repurposing candidates identified during the project, the IP management will be in liaison with ELPEN and Tech Transfer Offices of the academic beneficiaries to pursue in/out-licensing opportunities. SIMPATHIC will facilitate synergies with emerging state-of-the-art platforms in the drug repurposing ecosystem such as REMEDi4ALL (EU-funded project coordinated by EATRIS related to drug repurposing) and REPO4EU.
In addition, SIMPATHIC has created the Multi-stakeholder Advisory Board (MAB), integrated by patient (representatives), regulatory agencies, clinicians, researchers, and industry representatives, who ensures stakeholder (including policy) perspectives on barriers and facilitating factors for responsible use of repurposed medicines for neuro-RDs, are at the core of the project

Collaborating for accelerating drug repurposing of rare diseases
EATRIS, the European Infrasctructure for Translantional Medicine, together with University of Lisbon, University of Tübingen, Amsterdam UMC, and University of Heidelberg, will – on the basis of an analysis of the challenges in the healthcare system regarding repurposed drugs – elucidate access models, develop regulatory strategies and plan the exploitation of the candidate drug/indications validated in the technical work packages of the project
Become a collaborator
Industry partners with interest in rare neurological, neurometabolic and neuromuscular disorders are very welcome to get in touch and know more about potential ways of collaborating.